Appalachian Trail – Fontana Dam to Clingman’s Dome (34 miles)

The plan: Hike the lower half of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park in May 2022, Fontana Dam to Newfound Gap / 441, a total of 42 miles, in 3 overnights (spoiler, I stopped a bit short at 34 miles). I had an awesome trail shuttle (via Zach of Traveling Lite Shuttle and Resupply) from…

Madera Original Hammock

  *Full disclosure*. I recently became a brand ambassador for Madera, which means I get a decent discount, and a small percentage of sales when people purchase thru my affiliate link. I receive NO product or compensation in return for reviews / promotion so this is completely unbiased. If I thought their products were inferior…

Summer overnighter: Looking Glass Rock, Pisgah NF

The plan: A late June evening hike up Looking Glass Rock with my 15 year old son, take in the sunset up top, then camp overnight and hike back down in the morning. It was a typical June day: warm, fairly humid and wet, and a storm had gone thru earlier in the day.  …

Appalachian Trail Progress

I happened to check stats on this blog and have noticed that my Appalachian Trail posts get meager but consistent views daily, sometimes via specific Google searches on sections. So, I thought I would organize them here for easier browsing. Georgia Neel’s Gap (south) to Springer Mountain, GA: Mile 30.7 to 0. Read Here Neel’s…

Winter Camping – Pisgah Forest, NC

December 2018. I’m always tempted to get away for my birthday, and I will be 36 years old this December. The forecast called for some rain, to be followed by snow all weekend from a large storm system coming across much of the Southeast. Now, I certainly didn’t PLAN a trip because there was a storm coming –…

Overnight trip: Julian Price Memorial Park – Blowing Rock, NC

Camping in the mountains at the peak of summer; it is always a good time to be at higher elevation! Julian Price Memorial Park is one of my favorite places along the Blue Ridge Parkway (milepost 297, just south of Blowing Rock). It is scenic enough to stop at the lake while passing through, but…